Sunday, August 31, 2014

Homework Tracking

This was an action item from the parents' meeting.

Created a sample table to help the kids, parents and teachers track homework.

Irfan and Hasan came over to my house today to collect the sample sheet. I explained the process to them, and they in turn will explain it to the teachers.

Let's hope this works. It has to. By Sep 5. Gotto show the parents that we mean action. Only then can we hope for the same from them

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Meet the parents!! From Blaming to Acting

Today was an open day at the school. Parents of about 25 out of around 125 turned up. 

Discussions for the most part centered around  "The fact that only 25 out of 120 turned up. and how that showed lack of responsibility from the parents side","Why parents should do more...", "Believe me, I even beat him a lot, it tears my heart. But it still doesn't work!!", "Why the school is not doing enough",  "How parents somehow send the kid to school, but teachers don't seem to give any homework", "How kids lie about the homework even if teachers give it". The blames were evidence of a lot of good intentions, but no solutions. But that's normal. Arnab Goswami does the same on Indian prime time after all!! The sad thing is not that we do it, but that we think its enough. 

When I got the chance to speak after about half an hour, tried to convey the following points:
- I do not care about the 100 parents who did not turn up. But a big thanks to the 25 parents who DID. 
- We have to focus on these 25 kids for now. Rest will happen when the parents want to. 
- So far, our discussion were centered around the question: "Why this kid CANNOT move ahead. And how its not MY fault". We can keep doing that for the next 50 years. Or turn the question to "HOW CAN this kid move ahead? Is there anything WE can do?" 

When we tried to get specific, it boiled down to just 2 top points:
1. Kids coming in late to classes: So even the extra classes effort gets wasted. One parent said that she makes sure she sends her kid out at the right time, but he goes elsewhere. His dad screams, beats him too - but it doesnt work. We suggested that for 7 days next week, can she personally drop her kid to school(she does not work). And then we can see what happens. (My feeling is when the kid sees his mom really cares, he will start too.)
2. Inability of the parents to check homework: Most of them are illiterate. I said maybe they cannot check the correctness of the homework, but they can check WHETHER they have done the homework. A simple homework table at the end of each book will help. PArents can tick it if the homework is done.

I repeated that if they have any more problems, NOW is the chance to speak up. 

Action items:
- The school will implement this homework system by 5th septemeber. 
- Nominated one of the parents to check back with us if we don't. Hold me, the school accountable (The underlying aim is to make everybody part of the solution than the problem)

Hope we are able to take small but sure steps ahead. The potential these kids have is just too much to waste!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Rupees 25K Milestone...And a song!!

We have collected Rupees 25 Thousand!!! Awesome to see people's helpfulness adding up slowly..Huge thanks to the donors. 

This Independence day week was good on many fronts.

Great celebrations at the school, recorded some video footage of the childrens' ambitions and teacher's challenges. 

The children came to know that I was going to sing at a function in the evening. So they forced me to sing. I had a song that I have been obsessed with recently - which was waiting to get out. So I happy to comply ;) Sang "Phir mohabbat" from Murder 2. It was fun. The best part was when a girl innocently asked "He song tumhi gaayilaaat ka???" ("Have you sung this song??[in the movie]") :) :)

Details of the fund collection are provided on the "Cashflow details" page

Friday, August 15, 2014

I-Day celebrations at the School!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The first donation!!!

It's an awesome feeling to have the first donation coming in. And that too from an old school friend, purely based on email publicity.

A reason to keep hope alive and keep chugging on. I hope more people follow.

Felt amazing to update the Cashflow Details page. The account has opened!!! :) :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Share/donate - Help slum children learn!!

Calling for donations in cash or kind to support a slum-school striving since 30 years. The kids' parents are usually rag-pickers, daily wage construction workers, housemaids. Problems like alcoholic fathers, parent desertions are common. Their needs are as basic as blackboards, window grills, and money to buy books/stationery.
  • The entire process is extremely transparent. The best way to  know the entire background of the school, the people behind it and the funding needs in 10 minutes is to Download this presentation
  • The funding needs page summarizes the school's needs and also provides a link to the detailed presentation
  • The story so far section tells you what's going on, at an almost weekly basis.
  • Click here to DONATE NOW
You can also help by sharing this post, and liking the Facebook page as well

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

06 - Ready to go!!!

The fund collection issue has finally been sorted out!!!

Giant's group of Kalyan Metro kindly agreed to help in letting me use their account to collect the funds. This has multiple advantages. Giant's group is a world-famous organisation, so it grants much more credibility to the initiative. The Kalyan city chapter has had a working relationship with the school since the past 4-5 years. Infact, I came in touch with the school through them. So its a great partnership.

All needed instructions, information are updated on the website.

Have sent funding request mails to some friends. Will start spreading the news on Facebook, Linked in etc.

Fingers crossed, hoping for the best!!! I hope people donate for this good cause, and/or help spread the news!!